Mojo Mouthpiece Work
3D Printed
If you see an item you like, contact us at MojoMouthpieceWork@yahoo.com for purchasing information

BC Cave
Mojo 3D Printed
Slightly darker tone than my Fave design. Lower baffle and shorter back bore length to maintain the same chamber volume. One ready to go with a .076"=1.93mm tip opening. 49L=24.5mm facing length. Elliptical facing curve shape. Plays great with a Legere Euro Cut 2.50 bass clarinet reed!

Bass Clarinet

BC Fave
Mojo 3D Printed
Comfort beak shape design. Interior design similar to Fobes San Fran. Made to order (but I may have one in stock like I like to play). Choice of facing and color. Mojo Ligature sold separately. Play tests: https://youtu.be/2eikHMFxi6A

Bass Clarinet

BC Rave
Mojo 3D Printed
Unique design by Mojo. Tip is tilted up ~6 degrees so it is on the shank centerline. Symmetric throat entrance.

Bass Clarinet

CBC Mojo Cave
Mojo 3D Printed
.090" tip = 2.29mm. Latest design and facing for the Mojo Cave. (This is what I am currently playing on.)

Contra Bass Clarinet

CBC Cave or Wave
Mojo 3D Printed
Tested on my Leblanc Paperclip. Mojo ligature sold separately. Gold and Purple ones show comfort beak shape design. Half price sale on current stock!

1/2 Price Sale! - CBC Prototypes

C Soprano D/M/B
Mojo 3D Printed
Based on my HR Buescher shown (not for sale) Dark, Medium and Bright Models available. Custom tip openings. Play tests: https://youtu.be/ghuNCPkcgVg